Monday, May 23, 2011


Every since I moved into my parents house I have felt so happy. I feel less stressed. I am excited to start this new part of my life. I cant wait to get back into my apartment. I'm already eating less and I dont seem to be bothered by it. LOL Its weird. Being back at my parents is ok. I feel comfortable there. And since its just me there's no one to butt heads with or be put in the middle. My parents love me. Just wish I actually still had my room...dumb little brothers. I dont even have the words to express how I feel right now. Free. Alive. IDK. Whatever it is, I like it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

1 week changes everything

I don't even know where to start. Since my last post I told my husband it was over. For real this time. I feel so bad for how I told him and for flip flopping so many times. Even tho I am a evil horrible person who has no guilt I do understand he has feelings. So I feel bad for that.
I moved into my parents house, in the spare room, this weekend. Its a temporary situation until he can get his own place. That apt is in my name and so I am going to keep it. He has to tell his parents, hopefully they will help him get out and set up.
Things are going well w/ Thumper. We aren't looking to be in a relationship so we are just enjoying each others company. I saw him again this Friday. Met him at his house as soon as he got home from work. Had dinner and spent a lot of time just lounging around his bed/couch. I def enjoy spending time w/ him. Hes very sweet and affectionate. I like it. I think I am doing ok not getting too attached. I just don't want him spending time w/ anyone else. We can be FWB's if I'm the only F he B's.
I did chose to NOT let him know just yet about my husband and I splitting up. I don't want him to think I am doing it for him or something.

An old potential flame just reappeared outta the blue on Thursday also. I met this guy in January and we had clicked. We met the first time and all was well. Then one day...poof. He was gone. Stopped texting. Nothing. I emailed him saying that I deserved an explanation but nope, nada. Then Thursday I logged into my gmail and low and behold theres and email from him w/ some lame excuse about why he fell off the face of the earth. Hmm... We emailed back and forth for awhile. Its obvious what he wants. Sucks for him that he didnt email me sooner. I dont wanna skeezebag around. No thanks.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Heart Nerds.

Yep. And I don't mean the candy. I have never EVER met or talked to a nerd like this until Thumper came along. And to be honest I didn't know he was a nerd at first. I started getting some idea when we talked about what our interest were. But by then I was already interested enough. When he told me he had action figures in his living room, he was so worried I wouldn't be into him anymore. :(
Sad faced. Aww that's cute.

We met on Saturday.
He is adorable.
The day was amazing.
I stayed there from 4pm till 2am.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wishy Washy

I am never satisified w/ good enough. Friday I got bored an decided I wanted to still be able to talk to new boys but w/o the need to actually go and see then. In other words the perfect tease. So I posted an ad on Craigslist and got a few replies before the ad was flagged. I narrowed down my pick to one guy, we'll call him... Thumper, lol. So Thumper is doing a good job at replacing what I liked about being "single."
But I think I might wanna move this to the next step. I wanna meet him. Maybe he can be my M. I really liked the little thing M and I had going on. Until he got a GF and got all lame.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Whole Month?!

Wow... that went by fast!

I have quit "dating." Not like I was doing much of that anyway. I never did officially end it w/ the midget. I just stopped answering his text and he finally got the message. I guess I just got my hopes up that the grass was greener on the other side. Its not. All men suck and you have to deal w/ crap from all of them. If its not one thing its another. I have decided (for now) that I prefer the company of someone who I know. No surprises outta this one. Fat Guy loves me and treats me amazingly. No he cant support me. He does alot of stupid crap. But hes working on it. I'm 28 almost 29 and I am ready to be settled. I wanna buy a house (or rent or something, I hate apartments). I'm ready to be a mommy. I just hope that 10 years from now we arent divorced. Or hate each other. I dont wanna waste my time.

One of our major struggles is money. I was fed up w/ being broke and technically we make $1000 more a month then our bills, but have been in this hole for EVER! So we sat down and put on paper a course of action. We are into week 3 and are doing well. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And once we get there that might be all we needed to save this marriage. Financial problems are the #1 reason for fighting in couples. Probably causes alot of divorce too.