Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Break a Heart

With all the guys who have been too aggressive and rude, all the ones who pushed sex and wanted to jump in the sack right away, I had no problem telling them to get a life and stay away from me. I dont feel bad. Even guys who weren't that pushy but I just didn't feel a connection with. I sent them a nice and polite message to beat it. But how do you tell someone, who really seems to be looking for a relationship with you, that you just arent interested. I mean, technically he did lie to me so I could be like uh deal breaker you midget you. I would never. I am not a mean person.
Sigh...I dont wanna do this but I also hate to lead him on longer and longer. I guess I am going to have to just biite the bullet and tell him. But in what form? I'd prefer to just email him and then change my number, lol.
Ugh. Ask me how this goes in a couple days.

The life of a Fat Girl can be kinda rough sometimes. I am currently dealing w/ a bunch of medical things. Not really anything wrong w/ me just trying to get the bugs out. I have a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow. I am nervous and not looking forward to having to go in w/ a full bladder and have them purposely press on my bladder while doing the external ultrasound. After this I get to find out if I need to have a biopsy done, oh the thrills of being a woman.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jungle Fever PSA

I think I love black men.
I know. That sounds wrong. To pick out a specific race.
But I do. They treat me differently* then white men. Black men love me. At least it seems that way. They are immediately attracted to me physically. I feel comfortable with them bc they continually compliment my physical appearance. I feel sexier and confident in my sexiness. Also they tend to be physically in better shape then the white guys who are attracted to fat girls. So that's a plus. We all know the other stereotype. So far that seems to hold up also.
I have a lot more to say here but it feels change the subject.
What it seems like is the black men who are attracted to fat white women are really into them. And the white men who like fat white women seem to be indifferent, like they love all women. I hate that. I hate for a guy to say he doesn't have a type. Yes you do. Now we all have the option to go against what we are naturally drawn to, but saying you don't have a type makes me feel less important. My type is fat white guys, on the taller side, hair and eye color dont matter, but its a specific fat body type. But I can find a short black man attractive or skinny white not really. I dont really like skinny. LOL I dont wanna feel like I can break ya.

*Personal disclaimer*The opinions here are based strickly on my own personal experiences and are not inclusive. Each person is different*

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Don't be a Liar

About a week or so ago a guy started chatting w/ me via my dating site. I looked over his profile and I wasn't immediately repulsed. So I figured I would give it a go. We chatted via Yahoo and texted some. I kept looking at his pics. He was a unique looking fellow. Kinda like a shorter weirder version of Ben Stiller (who is already short, mind you). He did make it clear that he was short. 5'4". That's not bad. I'm like 5'2" so hes still taller then me. I was tempted to ask him if he was really 5'4". But I didn't.
He told me how he was real romantic and touchy feely. Asking if that was ok. Which it is. I don't mind that. We agreed to meet up Friday night. At first we thought coffee, but he had to work late, so I told him we could just meet at his house. Now I know what I said in the last entry, but this guy was different. He was not aggressive, nor were all our convos about sex. I trusted my instincts on this, about my safety.
I get ready and I show up early. He text me to say he's home. I park and make my way up to his floor, his apt. Super nervous. I hate this part. I start to think maybe we should have met somewhere. I knock on the door. He opens the door slightly, pops his head out and says hey.
Then opens the door and lets me in.
Why? Why would you lie about your height? He is significantly shorter then me. I felt like I was towering over him. I immediately start thinking about an exit plan. I made up some story about my brother needing my car so I couldn't stay too long. I thought about having my BFF give me the safety call. But decided against it. Mainly bc I cant imagine they don't know that its an act to get out.
So one of my issues is being to scared to just get out there and start this single skeeze bag thing. I decided to just go for it. This was going to be the least threatening man I would ever meet, and to just take advantage of it. We fooled around a little and I payed him some *ahem* attention and then I faked a headache.
We sat around and watch some awesome 1993 movie about rollerblading, and I made small talk about how I was actually not looking to date bc I am having a lot of stuff going on in my life. I would hate to bring all my baggage to a new relationship, blah blah blah. Setting it up.
I can't wait till I am free of this one.
Note to self: I am not ok w/ creepy midget versions of Ben Stiller.